BUILDING LEADERSHIP TEAM:Shared decision-making is a joint planning and problem solving process that provides stakeholders a voice in decisions that affect student success and the school environment. The Building Leadership Team (BLT) is composed of teachers, support staff, school administration, the Parent Council, student leadership, and Arts Advisory Committee. As such, it is the only committee that represents the entire Kansas City Metropolitan School of the Arts community.
The BLT meets once a month to address issues falling within its scope of authority:
The BLT meets once a month to address issues falling within its scope of authority:
- decision-making on some budgets;
- decision-making on some staff development activities that are aligned with school goals;
- input on calendar
- prioritizing stakeholders' concerns and giving feedback to the administrative team
- TBD - English staff
- TBD - Social Studies staff
- TBD - Math staff
- TBD - Science staff
- TBD - Support staff
- TBD - Parent Council representative
- TBD - Arts Advisory Council representative
- Dr. Stephen Aspleaf - Executive Director